Back in the Paint

It’s amazing how quickly time can get away from you.

A couple more hours of work…

gotta catch up on some TV…

it’s too late, tonight, maybe tomorrow…

it’s too hot to paint in the garage and too much effort to haul everything inside right now…

and so on and so on.

But hey, it’s only been a couple of days, ok maybe weeks, since brush was applied to canvas. And then you realize that you haven’t done anything creative in almost too months.

That’s where I found myself this morning. I really did think it had only been three weeks, maybe a month at most since I had painted anything new. But then I looked at the dates and the last time I worked on anything new was the middle of July.

Whoa!!! Time to pick up the brush and create something… anything.

So I grabbed my iPad, spun up Procreate and started to flesh out some rough ideas. This has become a part of my process this year, and I think it has added a more deliberate aspect to my paintings.

This is the starting sketch from Procreate. The final painting turned out very different, but this was a good starting point

This is the starting sketch from Procreate. The final painting turned out very different, but this was a good starting point

Everything set up, and gesso applied to the canvas.

Everything set up, and gesso applied to the canvas.

The first layer of paint was applied with a paper towel.

Now for the bubble wrap. That’s one thing I’ve accumulated a lot of during the the 2020 Covid timeout.

This was followed up using mesh cut off of a reusable air conditioning filter that finally gave out.

And finally using lids, jars and a catalyst wedge to add the final textures and shapes.

Of course my desk was a little messier for wear, but not too bad. No paint on the carpet, walls (or dogs), so that’s a win.

Of course my desk was a little messier for wear, but not too bad. No paint on the carpet, walls (or dogs), so that’s a win.

And here is the final result.

And here is the final result.

For more information on the paints and tools used, check out the gallery page: Abstract Acrylic #23 - Inertia


Mother’s Day 2020 painting